CGAP Annual Report 1999

1999 Highlights

  • The Secretariat began developing a series of operationally-oriented tools for microfinance practitioners in response to industry demand.
  • CGAP developed a course for practitioners on how to use the CGAP's Business Planning and Financial Modeling Handbook.
  • CGAP launched a Pilot Africa Capacity Building Initiative in April 1997 to introduce a series of three short, highly focused, financial management courses for MFI managers. The Pilot Initiative has developed four courses and a training of trainers module, delivered 21 courses in 11 countries in three languages with more than 550 participants from approximately 300 MFIs. The countries of operation were: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Tanzania, Togo and Zimbabwe.
  • Starting in July 1998, the Secretariat identified local partners to service markets in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (Microfinance Centre in Poland), South Asia (EDA Rural Systems in India), and East Asia (Asian Institution of Management and Punla Sa Tao Foundation in the Philippines).
  • In FY1999, the Secretariat launched a new African capacity-building program called AFCAP, in collaboration with DFID-UK.
  • CGAP produced a Focus note on the lessons of the Pilot Capacity Building Initiative in Africa.