CGAP Annual Report 2002

2002 Highlights

  • CGAP redoubled its focus on donor effectiveness in microfinance, as demonstrated by the creation of a new Donor Team, an ambitious aid effectiveness initiative, and the decision to open an office in Paris.
  • CGAP continued to devote major resources to encouraging greater transparency on both the financial performance and poverty outreach of MFIs. One major accomplishment in this area was the incorporation of a new nonprofit organization, the Microfinance Information eXchange.
  • CGAP devoted concerted attention in the past year to opening up the boundaries of microfinance by working with new actors, promoting the development of innovative products, and encouraging the application of new technologies.
  • In a continued effort to strengthen partnerships and communications, CGAP organized regular informal sessions over the past year with international NGOs, service providers, and networks.
  • Two years after its launch, the Microfinance Gateway has become the most comprehensive source of information on microfinance on the Web, with over 11,000 individual users and approximately 400,000 hits a month.
  • Viewpoints—short thought pieces intended to generate debate among microfinance experts—published this year included a capital vs. capacity debate (Water, Water, Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Drink) and an essay on the distinction between microcredit and microfinance.
  • CGAP produces a variety of publications intended to disseminate new research, best practices, and innovative ideas in microfinance.