Abel Motsomi

Abel Motsomi is a senior information and research specialist with FinMark Trust. Since joining FinMark Trust, Abel has been project lead for the FinScope Consumer Survey studies in more than six countries and supported in more than 10 countries. He has implemented Financial Literacy Study in Seychelles and FinScope Mauritius, which had a significant information on how financial literacy influences financial inclusion. He performs customized analysis across different spectrums according to users’ needs and has also been involved with geographic information systems (GIS)-related projects and data visualization initiatives. He has done a series of customised analysis across gender highlighting the drivers and barriers to financial inclusion that the excluded – especially women – face. He has recently been promoting the use of data for product design while driving the financial inclusion agenda. His latest passion is showcasing existing data and how various stakeholders could make best use of it through open data portals. He regularly conducts data training sessions and analytics workshops.

By Abel Motsomi


The Many Faces of Social Exclusion

FinScope consumer data shows how people experience social exclusion differently and points to groups that are especially excluded, including farmers, women and youth.