Ahmed Dermish

Ahmed is the Global Technical Specialist at UNCDF’s Mobile Money for the Poor (MM4P), focusing on enabling policy and payment system development for digital financial services across the UNCDF network. Prior to joining MM4P in 2016, he was the Director of Financial Inclusion Policy and Ecosystem Development at Bankable Frontier Associates (BFA). Prior to BFA, Ahmed was a bank supervisor and policy advisor at the Financial Conduct Authority (formally the Financial Services Authority (FSA)) in the UK. He has a Masters in Development Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and is currently based in Brussels.

By Ahmed Dermish


Data, Information and Government’s Feedback Loop

Governments collect data for many reasons. Making this data publicly accessible has the potential to encourage innovation.

Balancing Regulatory Uncertainty in Branchless Banking Design

For providers of mobile money services looking to navigate complex regulatory environments, there are valuable lessons that can be extracted from failed experiences - which can sometimes be traced back to challenging legal environments.