Alan Gibson

Alan Gibson is a Director of the Springfield Centre. With a background is in economic and business consultancy he has been involved in the development sphere for more than 25 years, including spells working with a local NGO in Bangladesh and in academia. Since founding Springfield in 1995, he has been a key contributor to the development of market development thinking and practice. He is joint author of several guides and papers, has acted as adviser to several economic development programmes and agencies and to others taking the approach into new fields such as health and education, and is director of the only international training programme on the market systems approach.


By Alan Gibson


Market Facilitation Is the Way Ahead, but It Needs to Do More

What does FSD Kenya's experience over the last 10 years reveal about how to make market systems work for the poor? Here are three takeaways.

Taking Market Development Approaches to Financial Access

How can aid agencies begin to ‘take’ market development thinking and practice into their efforts to enhance financial services for poor people? Drawing from wider experience, here are five basic starting points to consider.