Byoung-Hwa Hwang

Byoung-Hwa Hwang is a former Digital Finance Consultant at CGAP, primarily focusing on research and engagement efforts related to digital credit. Prior to joining CGAP, Byoung worked at Grameen Foundation in Uganda, providing operational support to its Mobile Financial Services team to promote access to financial services for the mass market. She has also worked at The World Bank Group on the topic areas of private sector development and urbanization, and as a Management Consultant at Accenture, advising clients across the financial services, health-care, and ICT sectors. Byoung holds a BA and MA from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

By Byoung-Hwa Hwang


A Practitioner and a Regulator Talk Digital Credit

Do the benefits of digital credit outweigh the risks for consumers? A practitioner and regulator share their viewpoints.

Digital Credit’s Evolving Landscape: 3 Things You Need to Know

Digital credit is on the rise in many developing countries. Here are three things you may not know about this fast-evolving form of lending.

Four Common Features of Emerging Digital Credit Offerings

Digital credit has emerged at the digital finance frontier, drawing attention from all players across the DFS ecosystem. A new CGAP brief explores the inner workings and key characteristics of digital credit offerings.

The Proliferation of Digital Credit Deployments

This Brief provides an introduction to the fast-evolving landscape of digital credit and illustrates common features of this new digital finance offering.