Chris Skinner

Chris Skinner is known as an independent commentator on the financial markets and fintech through his blog and as author of the bestselling book "Digital Bank" (2014), its sequel "ValueWeb" (2016) and the newest book "Digital Human" (2018). In his day job, he is Chair of the European networking forum The Financial Services Club and Nordic Finance Innovation, as well as being a Non-Executive Director of the Fintech consultancy firm 11:FS, and on the advisory boards of various firms including B-Hive, Bankex, IoV42, Moven and Meniga. Mr. Skinner has been an advisor to the White House, the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.

By Chris Skinner


Is It True that the Big Banks Will Never Offer Financial Inclusion?

In this guest post, Chris Skinner looks at digital banking for the poor from the perspective of big banks.