David Campbell

David is a media specialist in natural resources, rural livelihoods and development in Africa. He has over thirty years experience, working with Governments, bilateral donors, NGOs and the commercial sector. He has planned and implemented effective communication strategies in a variety of African countries, using television, video, radio, mobile telephony and print. He has produced several video-led training materials and has been involved in the privatisation process of a government media production unit in Kenya. He has managed a number of long-term media projects (eg: Gulu radio, Northern Uganda), as well as produced various videos (eg: CAPE). Most recently, David has produced the long running and highly popular TV drama series in East Africa, Makutano Junction, which attracts around 8 million viewers in Kenya alone, as well as an innovative and original children’s programme called KnowZone.

By David Campbell


Financial Literacy for Small Farmers in Kenya Via TV

In March of 2012, a new regional television program launched in Kenya which aims to provide information to millions of farmers on how to improve their incomes and livelihoods. Funded by DfID's AECF (the Africa Entrepreneurship Challenge Fund), "Shamba Shape-Up" profiles a farm each week and suggests improvements that demonstrate financial principles and teaches farmers how to grow more food, make more money and build better lives for their families.