David Saunders

David is a Knowledge Manager at Cenfri. Since joining the team in April 2012 as an ILO Microinsurance Innovation Facility Fellow his work has focused on packaging Cenfri's work in microinsurance and retail payment systems, supporting projects in Bangladesh, China, Mozambique, South Africa and Tanzania and coordinating open-enrolment and in-housing trainings on microinsurance and National Payment Systems in Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

By David Saunders


Designing Mobile Microinsurance Products: Premium Payment Methods

Mobile microinsurance products are not only growing in number, but they are also reaching people in many of the world’s poorest countries.

FinMark Trust and Financial Market Development in South Africa

At a time when neither the government nor the private sector in South Africa were clear about the obstacles to reaching the base of the pyramid with financial services, FinMark Trust demonstrated how an effective market facilitator can develop an evidence base to inform policy and approaches.