Jo Sanson

Jo Sanson is the Director of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research at Trickle Up, which promotes livelihood development with extremely poor women and other marginalized groups in India, West Africa, and Central America, utilizing the Graduation approach. She has fifteen years of experience in international development, focused on poverty alleviation, disaster recovery and civil society development. She was previously a manager for the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia in Kazakhstan, coordinated disaster recovery projects for the Red Cross in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, and worked for Oxfam Australia focused on indigenous rights and economic development in Central America.

By Jo Sanson


Can Smartphones Help the Poorest Escape Extreme Poverty?

Trickle Up is piloting a project integrating smartphones into Graduation programs in India, affording a valuable opportunity to explore the potential role of technology in improving and scaling the delivery of the Graduation approach to ultrapoor women in remote areas.