Joe Huxley

Joe Huxley has worked for FSD Africa since start-up phase in 2013. He now leads its regional strategies work, which comprises a fragile states portfolio and strengthening the FSD Network, a family of 10 U.K. government-funded financial sector development agencies in sub-Saharan Africa. He has lived Nairobi and Kigali, and is interested in capital markets and enterprise finance. He holds a B.A. in geography and an M.Phil. in development studies and has previously worked as a policy advisor at the OECD and as a long-term secondee to DFID’s Investment and Finance team in London. 

By Joe Huxley


From Theory to Practice in the Market Facilitation Approach

Market facilitation has become a well-known approach to development, but evidence on how best to apply it in the field remains limited. New case studies from Africa point toward numerous lessons.