Li Ren

Ms. Linda Ren, is the Senior Investment Officer for the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Ms. Ren is responsible for IFC's microfinance investment activities in the East Asia and Pacific Region, which includes China. She graduated from Tsinghua University, worked at the China Development Bank for five years, and then received an MBA degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

By Li Ren


Financial Inclusion in China: Will Innovation Bridge the Gap?

Technology and innovation hold great promise for deepening financial access in China. But despite recent improvements, China is home to a huge unbanked population - second only in size to India.

Microfinance in Myanmar: Sector Assessment

The report finds that Myanmar’s banking sector so far has found it commercially challenging to extend financial access to the poor. As a result, fewer than 20 people out of 100 have access to formal financial services, with most people relying on family savings or costly alternatives such as informal money lenders.