Lisa Kienzle

Lisa is the Operations & Strategy Manager for Grameen Foundation AppLab Money Incubator in Uganda. The Incubator drives innovation in mobile money by researching and designing new financial products for the mobile channel. Lisa is an experienced professional in the mobile financial services sector, having worked as Director of Branchless Banking for MAP International, a mobile money and branchless banking start-up in Uganda, and then as a consultant for mobile and branchless services in South Asia. Lisa received a BA from Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from Harvard Business School where she tailored her studies around for-profit social enterprise.

By Lisa Kienzle


The Many Faces of the Poor: Mass Market Segmentation

The AppLab Money Incubator in Uganda has studied and segmented the behaviors of rural low-income consumers to understand the opportunity for financial services product development.

Turning Insights into Products: Applab Money

CGAP, Grameen Foundation and MTN Uganda are introducing Grameen Foundation’s AppLab Money Incubator, a new initiative that develops mobile financial products for the poor.