Luciana Aguiar

Luciana Aguiar is a Partner at Plano CDE, a specialized Brazilian firm focused on the base of the pyramid.  Luciana is an anthropologist and an expert in BOP markets.  She has been focused on the BOP for the past 15 years, working with low-income populations.  Ms. Aguiar has a PhD in visual anthropology from Cornell University.  She has developed projects for companies such as Nestle, Unilever, Accenture, Coca-Cola, Mastercard, Oi, Citibank, Itau, among others.

By Luciana Aguiar


Seasonal, Unsteady Income Drives Economic Vulnerability in Brazil

Although nearly 30 million Brazilians have moved out of poverty and into the middle class in the last decade, millions remain vulnerable due to seasonal and unpredictable income patterns.

Applied Research Methodologies for Financial Inclusion

In September 2011, CGAP’s Technology team invited the Brazilian firm Plano CDE to develop a study that would help them understand the behaviour, needs and expectations of low-income Brazilians in relation to financial instruments. The goal of the study was to contribute to the development of a new financial product or service that would attend to the needs of lower-income consumers and enhance their relationship with financial institutions.