Lynn Eisenhart

Lynn Chang Eisenhart is a Program Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, working on mobile money efforts within the Financial Services for the Poor team. She manages a portfolio of grants and investments primarily in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.

Prior to joining the Gates Foundation in 2011, Lynn worked in corporate business development at T-Mobile and helped create Isis – a mobile payments joint venture between T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon Wireless. Earlier in her career, Lynn worked in product development in retail banking and payments at Washington Mutual (now JP Morgan Chase) and also worked as a management consultant at Accenture.  Lynn received her BS degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and her MBA from Yale University.

By Lynn Eisenhart


A New Framework For Digital Money Innovation

A new "Digital Money Innovation Framework" helps us organize our research and ideas in accordance with some of the biggest barriers we see in digitizing financial services for low-income populations.