Marcia Parada

Marcia Parada is a consultant with CGAP’s Technology and Business Model Innovation team, advancing the research and project agenda on branchless banking in order to expand financial services to the unbanked.  She has previously worked at the IFC and Citibank and is a graduate of Stanford University.

By Marcia Parada


Seasonal, Unsteady Income Drives Economic Vulnerability in Brazil

Although nearly 30 million Brazilians have moved out of poverty and into the middle class in the last decade, millions remain vulnerable due to seasonal and unpredictable income patterns.

Towards A Common Performance Measure In Branchless Banking

How can we build a framework for a data architecture on the branchless banking industry?

An Overview of the G2P Payments Sector in Pakistan

Pakistan is becoming a laboratory for G2P payment innovations. This report by CGAP discusses the G2P payments sector in Pakistan and demonstrates how social transfers can help bring poor people into the formal financial system.

The Emerging Global Data Architecture of Branchless Banking

This first post in this series lays out a conceptual map of the data landscape and takes a closer look at the supply-side data gathering efforts worldwide. It is important to note that while various initiatives have begun to look at the wider financial inclusion data architecture from the supply and demand-side, branchless banking and mobile money data is still missing from many datasets or is poorly represented.

Understanding the Financial Needs of Poor Mexicans

In a perfect market for micro-financial intermediation, product offerings would reflect the distinct needs of a diverse clientele.