Michael Rizzo

Michael Rizzo is a former CGAP consultant who supported the overall objectives of the Communications Team.

Prior to CGAP, Michael was Digital Communications Manager for FHI 360's Social Marketing and Communication (SMC) Department. Michael previously served as CGAP's Online Communications Associate from 2012 to 2015.

Michael has an MSc in Media, Communications and Development from The London School of Economics and Political Science and a BA in International Affairs from Northeastern University.

By Michael Rizzo


Picturing Financial Inclusion in Africa

The CGAP Photo Contest, now in its ninth year, continues to receive a growing number of standout photographs from Africa.

Voices from the Field: Reaching the Poorest in Peru

CGAP's Michael Rizzo was in Peru and spoke with some of the pioneers and partners that have witnessed the Graduation Program evolve over the last few years.

Improving the Lives of the Poorest in Peru

CGAP staff document a field visit to the Peru Graduation Pilot, where several communities outside of Cusco are participating in a project to understand how safety nets, livelihoods and access to finance can help the poorest graduate from extreme poverty.