Nataliya Mylenko

By Nataliya Mylenko


Access to Financial Services and the Financial Inclusion Agenda around the World

CGAP and the World Bank launched the Financial Access project, including a cross-country database on financial inclusion topics and an annual report to inform the policy debate.

Small and Medium Enterprises

This paper introduces a new dataset to fill a gap in the small and medium enterprise data landscape. In addition, it provides the first set of results of analyses with this new dataset, predicting the global small and medium enterprise lending volume to be $10 trillion.

Consumer Protection Laws and Regulations in Deposit and Loan Services

This paper presents the results of a survey on consumer protection regulations in 142 countries. It also compiles comprehensive information on laws and regulations relevant for consumer protection and discusses a number of challenges related to empirical analyses of financial consumer protection to enable crosscountry comparison.

Measuring Financial Access around the World

This paper introduces a new set of financial access indicators for 139 countries across the globe and describes the results of a preliminary analysis of this data set. The new data set builds on previous work using a similar methodology.