Natasha Dinham

Lead of Advisory and Advocacy, Roots of Impact

Natasha Dinham is the Lead of Advisory and Advocacy at Roots of Impact, where she develops tools and advice for partners and implementors of Impact-Linked Finance and manages the Impact-Linked Fund for Gender Inclusive Fintech

Before joining Roots of Impact, Natasha led the Innovative Finance Initiative at the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation, an organization using creative and disruptive tools to drive capital towards better social outcomes. Here she designed and launched innovative impact funds, managed the secretariat for the Impact Investing National Advisory Board, co-convened the University of Cape Town’s Impact Investing in Africa course, and developed impact strategies for pan-African financial institutions. Prior to this, Natasha managed the technical assistance portfolios of financial institutions in Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia at FMO, the Dutch Development Bank. 

Natasha has had the privilege of serving on the advisory and investment committees of multiple impact funds including the Green Outcomes Fund, the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) and the Credit Guarantee Fund Tajikistan (CGFT). She is passionate about financial inclusion and holds certificates in Rethinking Financial Inclusion as well as Migrant Remittances & Financial Services from Harvard Kennedy School.