Nicola Jentzsch

Nicola is an associate at the DIW Berlin and a senior policy consultant. Her main interests include industrial organization of markets for personal information. She has published a book on financial privacy (Financial Privacy - An International Comparison of Credit Reporting Systems; Springer-Verlag), which has been translated into Chinese (China Financial Publishing House). Prior to the TU Berlin, she taught at the Department of Economics of the Freie Universität Berlin and has been a research fellow at the Yale University. Nicola has served as an advisor for the European Commission, World Bank, CGAP, GTZ and Alliance for Financial Inclusion and the Central Banks of several African and Asian countries.


By Nicola Jentzsch


Who Is Targeted? Financial Pyramid Schemes and the Poor

In Kenya, where the qualitative research provided input to a policy diagnostic on financial consumer protection issues and approaches, at least one person in each of 14 groups was personally affected by a pyramid investment scheme.

Incorporating Consumer Research into Consumer Protection Policy Making

This Focus Note describes CGAP's experience to date gathering qualitative and quantitative information directly from low-income consumers to inform financial consumer protection policy.