Nirat Bhatnagar

Nirat is an Associate Partner at Dalberg, a global development advisory firm. He is the deputy lead of the Water and Talent & Leadership practices. He brings rich multidisciplinary experience in strategy, human centered design (HCD), and entrepreneurship. He leads projects with clients in the development and private sectors at the intersection of strategy & design across sectors: water and sanitation, agriculture, and financial inclusion. Previously, Nirat successfully put together several multi-million-dollar innovation projects in water, sanitation, and livelihoods with global development partners such as the Gates Foundation, the UN, JPAL, and a host of private sector organizations. These projects have ranged from extended user-research in Indian slums and villages, the design of user-centered slum sanitation for cities, a giant carnival of behavior change games that traveled across India, and subconscious behavior change for health. Almost all these projects have involved diverse collaborations across design studios, behavior architecture firms, development economists, technology firms, management consulting, game designers, and more.

By Nirat Bhatnagar


Want to Improve Customer Experience? Here’s Your Playbook

A delightful customer experience–rooted in a deep understanding of customer needs–is key for any FSP looking to increase use of services among low-income customers. Where to start, and how to do it effectively? A new Customer Experience Playbook offers insights.