Patrick Chege

Patrick Chege is a financial economist. His work focuses on designing surveys, field work, data collection, and cleaning and analysis for consumer research to develop behaviorally informed policies and supervision.
He has consulted on a range of projects, including interactive SMS for credit, transparency in mobile money, and regulations for consumer protection in digital financial services. He has consulted on financial sector development in developing markets with Strathmore Governance Center, Utawala Africa Consultants, and CGAP in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. He holds an MA in Public Policy and Management from Strathmore Business School and a B.Sc. in Economics and Finance from Kenyatta University, Kenya. 

By Patrick Chege


Time to Take Data Privacy Concerns Seriously in Digital Lending

Digital credit is on the rise in Kenya. While digital lenders are expanding access to credit for many Kenyans, they are operating outside regulation by any financial sector authority–and some key consumer protection concerns have started to emerge.

Digital Credit in Kenya: Time for Celebration or Concern?

There are now more than 20 digital credit offerings in Kenya, with new services launching continually. Hype is building around the potential opportunities these products could bring, but their rapid proliferation is also raising questions about risks.