Rose Goslinga

Rose Goslinga is the managing director of Pula, a company that is radically restructuring agricultural insurance, using technology to increase and protect the incomes and yields of billion smallholders worldwide. Pula works in eight countries across Africa and Asia and in 2017 alone facilitated crop and livestock insurance cover to 600,000 farmers in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, India, Zambia, Tanzania and Malawi. Its founders' work in agriculture insurance has been recognized by several international awards, including the Financial Times/IFC Award for Sustainable Finance.

By Rose Goslinga


Using Satellite Data to Scale Smallholder Agricultural Insurance

Smallholder families that use agricultural insurance can increase investments in more productive farming and nonfarming ventures as they feel more confident in managing related risks. However, significantly scaling the use of agricultural insurance among smallholders has been difficult in many parts of the world, especially in Africa.