Sean de Montfort

Sean de Montfort joined CGAP in October 2018 as a financial sector analyst, on secondment from the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). His work at CGAP cuts across the policy and business models pillars with a particular focus on regulatory innovation facilitators and digital banking business models. At the FCA, Sean held roles closely related to innovation, most recently as assistant private secretary to Christopher Woolard, executive director of Strategy and Competition. Prior to that, Sean worked as a firm lead within the FCA’s regulatory sandbox team. Sean holds a B.A. in human, social and political sciences from the University of Cambridge.

By Sean de Montfort


Do Regulatory Sandboxes Impact Financial Inclusion? A Look at the Data

CGAP estimates that less than 25 percent of sandbox-tested solutions address financial inclusion. Here's how to change this.

Is Digital Banking Better Banking for the Bottom of the Pyramid?

Digital banks are emerging in many developing countries. Can they do a better job than traditional banks of providing low-income customers with useful financial services?