Silvia Storchi

Silvia Storchi is a Rural Finance Specialist the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. In the last ten years, Silvia’s research has centered on the field of financial inclusion, with a particular focus on the role of informal financial services for economic and social development. She has field experience in Kenya and South Africa and has worked as an independent researcher for OPM, FSD Kenya, BSDR and CGAP.

Silvia holds a PhD in Social and Policy Sciences from the University of Bath. Her doctoral research explores how poor people’s conceptualization of wellbeing affects the use of financial services and its implications for financial inclusion in Kenya. She has a background in Economics and an MSc in Wellbeing and Human Development from the University of Bath.

By Silvia Storchi


A Research and Learning Agenda for the Impact of Financial Inclusion

The financial inclusion community is renewing its efforts to understand the role financial services play in the lives of poor people and how financial services can improve their well-being. This paper proposes a learning agenda based on extensive consultation with donors, researchers, and practitioners who support financial inclusion.