Weselina Angelow

Weselina Angelow is part of WSBI (World Savings and Retail Banking Institute)'s global efforts to providing an account for everyone and making a contribution to universal financial access. She manages the WSBI Programme for making small scale savings work, a Programme run with WSBI member banks worldwide. Her focus is on understanding the drivers of usage for formal savings services when offered to the underserved and unbanked in remote areas of Africa, Asia and Latin America. Prior to joining WSBI, Weselina worked as a consultant for GIZ's KKMU support programme in Chile and managed the implementation of e-commerce solutions for Pixell GmbH Germany. Weselina holds a diploma in economics from Bonn University and an Executive Master in Responsible Banking from IEB, LSE and WSBI.

By Weselina Angelow


Understanding Customer Inactivity with Customer Data from Kenya

Account dormancy among mobile money users is an industry-wide problem. WSBI is working to understand the driving forces behind customer inactivity in Kenya.

Linking Mobile Banking with Village Groups in Uganda

In Uganda, WSBI and PostBank Uganda sought to encourage active individual savings for village group members while simultaneously providing efficiency gains via group lending. The solution? PBU’s low-cost VSLA Group Account, which has reached over 500,000 members.

Achieving Financial Access through Village Banking and Data

In its work towards Universal Financial Access (UFA) by 2020, WSBI is using data to improve understanding of customer behaviors and needs.