Join CGAP’s Event and Webcast Today on New G2P Focus Note

If you’re in Washington, DC please join us today (Wednesday, March 21) at 4:00 pm EST at the World Bank when co-authors David Porteous and I discuss the findings from the recent CGAP Focus Note, Social Cash Transfers and Financial Inclusion: Evidence from Four Countries.

If you’re not in Washington, DC, no problem. Watch a webcast of the event online here.

Opening Remarks

Tilman Ehrbeck, CEO, CGAP

Discussion of Findings

David Porteous, Managing Director, Bankable Frontier Associates

Sarah Rotman, Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP

Commentary and Analysis

Mansoora Rashid, Sector Manager, Social Protection, Human Development Department,

Latin America and the Caribbean, The World Bank

Gaiv Tata, Director, Africa Region & Financial Inclusion Global Practice, Finance & Private Sector

Development, The World Bank

When: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm EST

Where: J building – Room J 1-050 (701 18th Street, NW) Read the transcript from last week’s online web chat about the paper here.



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