Blog Series

Bangladesh at 50: Reflections on Financial Inclusion

Bangladesh turned 50 in 2021. Over the decades since its independence, the country has made significant progress on many measures of development, among them financial inclusion. Bangladesh offers the financial inclusion community an opportunity to assess the impact of large-scale financial inclusion over a long period of time, going beyond the brief time horizons that often characterize global development. In this blog series, experts who know the country well explore Bangladesh’s financial inclusion journey and the impact it has had on the country’s broader development.

Blog Series

Bangladesh at 50: Reflections on Financial Inclusion

Bangladesh turned 50 in 2021. Over the decades since its independence, the country has made significant progress on many measures of development, among them financial inclusion. Bangladesh offers the financial inclusion community an opportunity to assess the impact of large-scale financial inclusion over a long period of time, going beyond the brief time horizons that often characterize global development. In this blog series, experts who know the country well explore Bangladesh’s financial inclusion journey and the impact it has had on the country’s broader development.