Blog Series

Lessons from G2P E-Payments in Uganda, the Philippines, Kenya and Haiti

In an effort to get a fuller picture of the evidence base for social cash transfers, e-payments, and financial inclusion, CGAP commissioned Bankable Frontier Associates, on behalf of The Better than Cash Alliance and with support from DFID, to examine the opportunities and challenges in implementing electronic social cash transfers systems linked to financial inclusion in four lower-income countries. The research analyzed social cash transfer programs in Uganda, Haiti, Kenya and the Philippines, which all places that struggle with weaker infrastructure, newer banking and payment systems, and less experience administering social protection programs. The research showed that while theory indicates many advantages to delivering government-to-person payments electronically, these electronic payment systems don't necessarily lead to greater financial inclusion. In fact, none of the research suggested that use of electronic methods for receiving G2P payments has influenced them to become general e-payment users.