Recent Blogs


Mobile Banking in India: Grass-Roots Marketing

A notable difference in the role of banking agents (also called Customer Service Providers or CSPs) in India compared to other countries is that the agents are responsible for customer acquisition in addition to processing transactions.

India: Agent Management to Sort Winners from Losers

The regulatory changes made in India last year have uncorked a stream of new branchless banking launches. Three new providers have or are just about to go to market.

What Is Che Guevara Doing in this Bank?

We often think of branchless banking without looking at the nonprofits working in the community for social and economic development.

Branchless Banking in Brazil: Making it Work for Small Merchants

The agent economics around branchless banking can be a complicated subject.

Does Branchless Banking Empower the Poor?

One segment of society that has directly benefited from banking agents are older people who receive monthly pensions.

New CGAP Paper: Banking through Networks of Retail Agents

This Focus Note considers the issues, challenges, and opportunities of banking through networks of retail agents.

New CGAP Paper Explores the Power of Shared Agent Networks

This Focus Note presents an alternative, systemic approach to branchless banking in which there is no need for a bank to have a contractual relationship with any of the retail outlets through which it is absorbing deposits or meeting liquidity needs of its customers.