Recent Blogs


Is Microfinance Research as Bad as Medical Research?

Microfinance research has its own set of concerns.

Shaking One’s Faith in RCTs?

Gold-standard” randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are not immune: 25 percent of published RCT results are subsequently convincingly refuted.

The Alternatives to Mobile Money

Mobile money often begins with a customer withdrawing cash in a store in his or her community, or sending money directly from their mobile money account to a relative living far away.

Highlights and Headlines: December 2010

In our last post for 2010, let’s recap what we’ve been discussing and share some headlines from around the globe.

Broadening the Financial Inclusion Cast of Characters

New technology-enabled models for financial inclusion seek to take transactions outside of bank branches and into retail shops that exist in every community where poor people live and work.

Learning from the Indian Microfinance Crisis

As the Indian microfinance sector responds to the Andhra Pradesh crisis, an opportunity has been created in India, as well as in the global sector, to reevaluate their “people practices” and make them a core part of a system that has provided a safety net for millions.

Borderless Branchless Banking

Are international remittances the final frontier for branchless banking? Formal remittance flows to developing countries are estimated to be US $325bn in 2010: in some countries these flows outweigh overseas development aid and constitute a sizeable proportion of the economy – international remittances equal 12% of GDP in the Philippines.

Are Girls Better at Planning and Saving than Boys?

While there might be a selection bias in terms of fewer boys in the universe actually saving, there is also a perception that boys are not adept at managing their money.

What Do Customers Want? New Findings from India

The Andhra Pradesh (AP) government passed an ordinance introducing substantial changes to MFI lending practices in the state.

An Alternative to M-PESA? Orange and Equity Bank Launch Iko Pesa

There’s been news of several new mobile money launches over the last few weeks. Digicel in Haiti has just launched its TchoTcho Mobile service. Its main competitor Voila has launched its service for use by relief organizations throughout the country.

Branchless Banking – Scenarios for 2020: Video and Presentations

The scenario examines the impact of a new player in the market and how a competitive and crowded marketplace for bill payment services stimulates a new wave of innovation.

Will the Indian SHG Movement Withstand Competition from MFIs?

The Andhra Pradesh MFI Ordinance 2010 has kick-started a much-needed debate on responsible microfinance and what is needed for poverty alleviation in India.

Good Things Come in Small Packages: Mobile Money in Fiji

In the world of mobile money, larger countries get all the attention. But big things sometimes come in small packages – and mobile money developments in the tiny Pacific nation of Fiji is an exciting example.

Social Protection and Financial Inclusion

The 2010 Global Expert Colloquium on Savings and CCTs was co-sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Citi, UNDP, New America Foundation and Proyecto Capital.

Andhra Pradesh: Crisis or Opportunity?

Referring to the situation in Andhra Pradesh (AP) as a ‘crisis’ in recent coverage has become commonplace. Much of the debate and analysis is centered on microcredit.

10 Things You Thought You Knew about M-PESA

Few initiatives in microfinance, or for that matter in development, have been as successful as M-PESA: 3 and a half years after launch, over 70% of households in Kenya and more importantly over 50% of the poor, unbanked and rural populations use the service.

Postal Savings Banks Reinvigorated by Increased Competition

Postal banks in South Africa and Kenya are celebrating their 100th anniversary. But the environment has changed dramatically with the advent of mobile money and increased interest from commercial players in the unbanked market.

Crisis by Invitation

Governments legislate on conduct of business—from both positive/ enabling and negative/restrictive standpoints. While most regulations on business, commerce and industry are positive, some are highly restrictive on account of the nature of business.

Where Will the Next Mobile Money Innovation Come From?

Kenya grabs a lot of attention with mobile money, but is all the innovation happening at the top of the food chain?

Mobile Health Might Be the eBay to Mobile Money’s PayPal

Nobody gets up in the morning and says “I want an efficient payment instrument today.”