CGAP Software Listings Now on MIX Market

CGAP and the Microfinance Information Exchange (MIX) recently collaborated to migrate CGAP’s Software Listings to the MIX Market. Hosting this information alongside the wealth of other information already on the MIX will provide a more dynamic view of the microfinance landscape, all on a single platform.

Moving the software listings to the MIX creates some exciting opportunities to better understand the microfinance software market. For example, the MIX used data from CGAP’s 2009-2010 software reviews to identify relationships between MFIs and software vendors. Where available, MFI profiles on the MIX now display a link to their software vendor, and likewise, software vendor profiles include a list of their MFI clients. Using this data, MIX did some preliminary analysis on market share. Keep in mind that the data is incomplete at this point and will need to be built out over time, but we’re excited to see these developments and look forward to more of this type of work in the future.

Also of note, the MIX’s Technology Providers section is not limited to core banking systems; the MIX invites profiles from any technology company servicing the field of financial inclusion.

To access the 90+ software company profiles on the MIX, go to the Service Providers tab and search for Technology Providers. All software reviews previously conducted by CGAP will also be available under the respective provider’s profile.

If you are a technology provider or MFI and would like to update your information on the MIX Market site, you can do the following: For vendors or MFIs with existing profiles, you can use the change request button in the upper-right corner of your profile page. For those without an existing profile, we encourage you to use the MIX Market contact form which will directly route your case to MIX staff for resolution.

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