We Have Moved...


Dear Blog readers,
Yesterday, we announced the launch of the new site and with it the migration to our new blog:
This new consolidated platform will make it easier for our readers to find out what’s happening in the world of financial inclusion taking advantage of an improved integration with our social media channels, including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
We have archived many of our old technology and microfinance blog posts so you can easily browse through entries back to 2010.
Curious about responsible finance or how to drive customer adoption of branchless banking? You can still find it all on the new Web site. You can now find everything you need to know about financial inclusion in one place.
In addition to the FOROMIC and fraud series we told you about yesterday, here is a preview of some of the other topics we will be exploring in the next couple of weeks:
- The role of start-ups in financial inclusion
- What can we learn from the history of interoperability in retail payments?
- Innovative finance for small farmers
- Pyramid schemes and financial crime
- And much more…
We hope you enjoy our new site and look forward to your comments.


18 September 2012 Submitted by Gabriel (not verified)

Hello, congratulations on the new blog.
as a suggestion, i´d ask to keep the rss feeds with full text. This have been proven to mantain readership (one good example is the freakonomics blog).

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