Kathryn Imboden

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

Kathryn Imboden is Advisor to CGAP's policy pillar and provides support for global standard-setting bodies (SSBs), and other relevant global actors, to strengthen information sharing and collaboration on cross-cutting issues related to financial inclusion.

Kathryn began her career in development at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Chad, subsequently holding positions at the OECD Development Centre, the Club du Sahel, and the US Department of the Treasury. From 1986 to 2001, Kathryn led economic and financial sector work for SDC, representing Switzerland in the process of launching CGAP. She later chaired the CGAP Executive Committee. Subsequently, she held positions in policy advisory work with Women’s World Banking, UNCDF, and the Aga Khan Foundation. In addition to work for CGAP, Kathryn serves on the Board and Investment Committee of SIFEM (Switzerland’s Development Finance Institution) and on the Board of the Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan.

Kathryn holds a BA in economics from Mount Holyoke College and a diploma in international relations/international economics from the institut d’Études Politiques de Paris.

By Kathryn Imboden


Pakistan: Gender-Intentional Policy Can Make Agent Banking Work Better

Many women in Pakistan remain financially excluded, partly because social norms limit their access to banking agents. Policy makers and regulators can help change this with a gender-intentional approach to agent banking.

Yes, Financial Inclusion and Financial Stability Are Compatible Goals

At a time when policy makers are focused on the stability of the financial system, it is important not to lose sight of financial inclusion. In fact, evidence shows that the stability of a financial system depends, in part, on how inclusive it is.

Financial Access 2012

The annual Financial Access report aspires to include data on an increasing number of financial service providers. Financial Access 2012 builds on the work done in Financial Access 2009 and Financial Access 2010 to provide new data on financial access.

The Role of Governments in Microfinance

Understanding the limited but constructive role governments can play in building financial systems is key to ensuring poor people's permanent access to quality financial services. This Donor Brief explains how experienced donors can support governments to develop sound policy frameworks and encourage vibrant and competitive microfinance, rather than directly providing financial services.