Sahar Nasr

Sahar Nasr is the Lead Economist in the World Bank’s Finance and Private Sector Development Department of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). She is a regional leader for the World Bank on issues of financial sector development, access to finance, and gender. In her 14 years with the World Bank, she has worked in technical and managerial positions in financial sector reform, banking restructuring, access to finance, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), microfinance, private sector development, corporate governance, economic management, and gender. Ms. Nasr holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Cairo University, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, and is an associate professor of economics at the American University in Cairo.

By Sahar Nasr


Efforts to Support Micro and Small Enterprises

The Bank, in partnership with the government as well as a variety of stakeholders including NGO’s, banks, and micro and small enterprises, has been supporting the financing needs of micro and small businesses through the Enhancing Access to Micro and Small Enterprises Project.