Microfinance Gateway Becomes FinDev Gateway, Reflecting its Broadening Scope

Microfinance Gateway is an independent knowledge platform of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)

WASHINGTON, D.C., October 3, 2018 – The Microfinance Gateway, CGAP’s independent knowledge platform, is changing its name to FinDev Gateway. The new brand reflects the platform’s broadening scope in recognition of the role financial inclusion plays in achieving the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

“The new name, FinDev, which stands for ‘Financial Inclusion for Development’, is part of a strategic repositioning of the Gateway, which has evolved from a microfinance online repository established nearly 20 years ago into a knowledge-sharing platform engaging the broader financial inclusion community,” said Greta Bull, CEO of CGAP.

While microfinance practitioners continue to be an important part of FinDev Gateway’s community, its users now include financial service providers, technology firms, investors and other practitioners in the financial inclusion space. FinDev Gateway will continue to provide easy access to publications, news, events and jobs through its resource library. However, it will place a stronger emphasis on timely and relevant knowledge sharing from practitioners in the field through various mediums: blogs, interviews, webinars and communities of practice.

FinDev’s regional platforms - French, Spanish and Arabic - will continue to enable practitioners to draw lessons, learn and adapt from the experiences of peers in or outside of their respective regions.


About FinDev Gateway

FinDev Gateway is CGAP’s independent knowledge platform where the global financial inclusion community comes together to share lessons and ideas on making financial services work for poor people. The platform is a public good available to anyone interested in financial inclusion. In addition to the English site serving a global audience, the Gateway has three regional platforms in French, Spanish and Arabic, which focus on their respective audiences in sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Arab world.

Find out more: http://www.FinDevGateway.org 

Follow @FinDevGateway on Twitter and find FinDev on Facebook

For more information: 

FinDev Gateway: Valdete Berisha | vberisha@worldbank.org

About CGAP

CGAP is an independent think tank that works to empower poor people to capture opportunities and build resilience through financial services. We test, learn and develop innovative solutions through practical research and active engagement with our partners on building responsible and inclusive financial systems that help move people out of poverty, protect their gains and advance global development goals. Housed at the World Bank, CGAP is supported by over 30 leading development organizations committed to making financial services meet the needs of poor people.