The Future of Work: Remaking Rural Employment after COVID-19


16 July 2020 9:00 am - 10:30 am EDT
This event has concluded.

What does the future of work look like after COVID-19, especially in rural areas? Can youth create digitally-enabled agricultural livelihoods, hand in hand with the technology revolution and increasing demand for food, or are all the real opportunities in urban areas?

Looking ahead to the post-pandemic landscape, AgriFin Accelerate shared insights from their recent Rural Jobs Landscape Study and explored its implications with CGAP and an expert panel of service providers and challenging thinkers.

Webinar Resources

Presentation slides >>

Rural Jobs Landscape Full Case Study and Summary document >>



  • Jamie Anderson, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP
  • Leesa Shrader, Mercy Corps AgriFin Programs Director


  • Christabell Makokha, Director of Partnerships,


  • Mikael Hook, Director, RAFLL
  • Stewart Collis, Senior Program Officer for Digital Agriculture, BMGF
  • May Hani, Policy Officer, Rural Institutions, Services and Empowerment Team, FAO
  • Dr. Ben Taylor, CEO, Agora Global
  • Jenny Rouquette, CEO, TruTrade
  • Chandrakanth PS, Lead Sales, Middle East & Africa, CropIn
  • Nathanial Peterson, Director, Busara Center for Behavioral Economics


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AgriFin Accelerate

The AgriFin Accelerate program is a six year, USD 24.7 million program of Mercy Corps, supported by The Mastercard Foundation. The core problem AgriFin Accelerate seeks to address is the inclusion gap for smallholder farmers (SHF) who lack access to affordable, accessible, demand-driven financial products and services that drive higher productivity and income for farm families. Launched in March 2015, the program supports the extension of bundles of digital financial and informational services to one million smallholder farmers from Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia.