Elyse Marr

Elyse Marr is a Senior Designer in the New York City office in Dalberg’s Design Impact Group (DIG). Elyse is trained in human centered design, where her skills sit at the intersection between social science, technology, and business. Elyse has brought new innovations and experiences into the world by finding out what is desirable to people, feasible to build and implement, and scalable and profitable in the market.

By Elyse Marr


More than Human ATMs: The Potential of Empowered Agents

Using mobile technology to empower agents to do more than collect payments, a Senegalese agridealer grew sales, cut costs and made its customers happier.

Driving Smallholder Savings through Digital Design in Senegal

After interviewing 65 smallholder farmers and savings groups, CGAP and Dalberg uncovered potential for alternative ways to offer financial services to farmers that go beyond credit.