Mynard Mojica

Mynard Mojica works at the Inclusive Finance Advocacy unit of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP, Central Bank of the Philippines) where he is primarily responsible in financial inclusion data and measurement. His work involves collecting and collating financial inclusion information from various sources and analyzing the data to assess the levels and trends of financial inclusion in the country and provide basis for evidence-based policymaking. Before being involved in financial inclusion, he worked at the BSP’s Office for Supervisory Policy Development where he performed macro-surveillance of the domestic financial system and assisted in the conduct of research studies regarding banking sector policies and developments.

By Mynard Mojica


Putting Mystery Shopping to the Test in the Philippines

Typically, mystery shopping is associated with consumer market research. However, financial regulators - such as the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas - are also using it as a tool to check if financial institutions are complying with regulations.