Webinar Series:

The Digital Evolution of Financial Services: What Have We Learned So Far?

Digital technologies and the new business models they enable are fundamentally changing the way financial services are produced and consumed around the world – with far-reaching implications for financial inclusion. Over the past four years, CGAP has been exploring the digital evolution of the financial services industry in order to understand where things are headed and what it will mean for customers, incumbents, regulators, and funders.

In this four-part webinar series, we recap our key findings to date and hear from some of the businesses and other players that are driving these changes about how they see the future of financial services. Read on to learn more about the events and register individually for sessions of interest.


Banking in Layers: A Discussion with Providers at the Leading Edge

11 May 2022 | 8 - 9 a.m. (ET)  

As CGAP has written about extensively, a new set of digitally native business models has emerged in financial services that are fundamentally reshaping the landscape. This session shared CGAP’s perspective on how the market structure for financial services is growing more modular and discuss the implications of that shift with a prominent panel of speakers from Grab, M-PESA, Kaleidofin, DaviPlata, and UNCDF/UNDP. The session emphasized the potential implications for financial inclusion as well as for financial service providers.


  • Philip Chew | Managing Director, Grab Financial Group
  • Laura Crow | M-PESA
  • Puneet Gupta | Co-founder and Director, Kaleidofin
  • Margarita Henao | CEO, DaviPlata
  • Aiaze Mitha | UNCDF/UNDP
  • Peter Zetterli | Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP

View webinar recording, resources, and speaker bios here.

What Is the Financial Inclusion Impact of Digitally Native Business Models? Findings from Demand-Side Research

17 May 2022 | 9 - 10 a.m. (ET)  

As CGAP has written about extensively, a new set of digitally native business models has emerged in financial services that are fundamentally reshaping the landscape. While we have described these models and their potential impact on financial inclusion, there has been little empirical research exploring this potential — until now. The session shared CGAP’s findings from a new set of demand-side research with digital banks, platforms, and fintechs (Tyme Bank, Grab, and Kaleidofin) across five countries. Our analysis of the results offer early insights into what impact the new business models are actually having on financial inclusion and the value they bring to people’s lives, as told by customers themselves. We discussed the findings and analysis with representatives from each provider and hear their perspectives on the value their models can offer for customers and what it means for the future of financial inclusion.


  • Rachel Freeman | Chief Growth Officer, TymeBank
  • Natasha Jethanandani | Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Kaleidofin
  • Tom Adams | Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer, 60db
  • Nisha Singh | FinEquity Gender Transformative Solutions Technical Lead, CGAP
  • Ivo Jenik | Senior Financial Services Specialist, CGAP
  • Peter Zetterli | Senior Financial Services Specialist, CGAP

View webinar recording, resources, and speaker bios here.


Funding Fintech for Impact: How Can Funders Support the Innovations that Matter for Financial Inclusion?

25 May 2022 | 9 - 10 a.m. (ET)

Development funders have an important role to play in helping fintechs reach their potential to serve low-income customers. But which fintech business models have the clearest links to financial inclusion, and what do they need to succeed? This session will share insights into how development funders can identify promising fintech innovations and maximize the impact of their support. The session is based on two years of CGAP research with fintechs, funders and sector-support organizations around the world. It also draws on the experience of funders who have reinvented their fintech strategies and their impact goals to respond to the changing nature of the fintech landscape in emerging markets.


  • Amee Parbhoo | Managing Partner, Accion Venture Lab
  • Bart van Liebergen | Senior Strategy Officer, FMO - Dutch Development Bank
  • Sandeep Koujalgi | SVP Programs, Bharat Inclusion Initiative at CIIE.CO
  • Gayatri Murthy | Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP

View webinar recording, resources, and speaker bios here.


Regulating New Business Models in Inclusive Finance: Whether? When? How?

2 June 2022 | 9 - 10 a.m. (ET)

New digital business models have significant potential to advance financial inclusion, but they also pose risks to financial services markets and consumers. During this session, speakers will explore regulatory issues concerning new business models that are transforming the financial services industry, including models emerging among fintechs, platforms, and digital banks. First, we will provide an overview of the business model landscape and highlight key implications for regulators. We will then point to emerging high-level principles and practices implemented by regulators around the world in response to the changing environment, providing examples from specific countries.


  • Jon Frost | Senior Economist, BIS
  • Jennifer Chien | Senior Financial Sector Specialist, The World Bank
  • Stefan Staschen | Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP
  • Ivo Jeník | Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP

View webinar recording, resources, and speaker bios here.