Antoine Navarro

Antoine Navarro is a financial inclusion consultant. He works with CGAP on financial inclusion in the Arab region and with MIX on digital financial services and alternative delivery channels. 

By Antoine Navarro


Jordanians and Syrian Refugees: Remittances and Financial Services Use

How do you increase financial inclusion when the most vulnerable and financially excluded part of your population becomes host to a massive, even more vulnerable, and even less financially included group of refugees? Building on a quantitative survey, this research shows that for financial services to work for refugees, they also need to work at scale in-country.

Financial Inclusion Measurement in the Arab World

This paper explores the landscape of measuring financial inclusion in the Arab world. The Arab Monetary Fund and its task force is working with CGAP, the Alliance for Financial Inclusion, and GIZ, among others, to advance measurement of financial inclusion in the Arab world.