Manal Yassin


Based in Khartoum, Manal Yassin is a Digital Finance specialist. Before working with CGAP, she worked for Sudatel Telecom Group for four years where she established and lead the digital financial services (DFS) unit. Previous to her role with Sudatel Telecom Group, Manal worked for Electronic Banking Services Co. (EBS), the National Payments switch in Sudan.

Manal is a Certified Digital Finance Practitioner (CDFP). She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration and bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the University of Khartoum.

By Manal Yassin


Sudan Dispatch: Inclusive Finance in Times of Crisis

Recent fighting in Sudan has turned the economy upside down and displaced thousands. Our latest blog asks what roles financial services are playing in the unfolding crisis, and why? What must happen next for inclusive finance in Sudan?