Company Name Regulator Sector Core Technology
Wildcard Money Pty Ltd Australia Securities and Invesment Commission
Woodpecker Asia Tech Pte Ltd (GoBear) Bank Negara (Malaysia)
World Reserve Trust Abu Dhabi Global Markets RegLab
WorldRemit Bank Negara (Malaysia)
XEN Technologies Ltd Mauritius Economic Development Board
Xfin Abu Dhabi Global Markets RegLab
xPence Abu Dhabi Global Markets RegLab
Xpence ltd Central Bank of Bahrain
XYZ Teknoloji Central Bank of Bahrain
Yalla Compare Abu Dhabi Global Markets RegLab
Yes Money Abu Dhabi Global Markets RegLab
ZED Networks Canadian Securities Administrators
Zoona & Socremo Central Bank of Mozambique
ZPX Pte Ltd Central Bank of Bahrain