Research & Analysis

2018 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

International funders committed an estimated US$47 billion in 2018 for financial inclusion, a 12 percent increase from the prior year, signaling that financial inclusion plays a vital role as an enabler of many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A third of international funders responding to the CGAP Funder Survey have been purposefully aligning their financial inclusion efforts to the achievement of the SDGs. Many international funders also are committing to help close the SDG funding gap, but it is important that their financial inclusion efforts should crowd in private capital where it is needed.  

Related Resources


Data snapshots are available at the global and regional levels and represent funding commitments from 23 international public and private funders.

An interactive analytical dashboard where users can create specific queries from that data. The explorer uses CGAP Funder Survey data complemented by publicly available contextual indicators.
Sub-topics: Funding Trends