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Risk-Based Customer Due Diligence: Regulatory Approaches

Regulators face a challenge in balancing policies on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism against their financial inclusion goals. This Technical Note provides guidance on using risk-based approaches to customer due diligence, with examples from around the world.

Deposit Insurance Treatment of E-Money: An Analysis of Policy Choices

The expansion of digital financial accounts among poor customers has raised the question of whether e-money should be covered by deposit insurance and if so, how. This Technical Note examines the options while arguing that deposit insurance should not be the first line of defense in many emerging markets.

Building Cross-Sector Partnerships to Amplify Impact

This case study illustrates how UNCDF established partnerships so that improved access to financial services helps turn temporary jobs created by climate-resilient investments into long-term opportunities for entrepreneurs in The Gambia.

Toward a New Impact Narrative for Financial Inclusion

The global development community has debated the question of how financial services impact the lives of poor people for decades. Recently, CGAP has developed a theory of change to guide the financial inclusion community toward an updated narrative that shows the many ways financial services can impact the lives of poor people.

Strengthening Capacity through an Internal Financial Inclusion CoP

How can an organization build internal capacity around a cross-cutting development theme? This case study examines a thriving internal community of practice that is sharing good practices in financial inclusion and strengthening operations across AFD Group.

Mainstreaming Financial Inclusion through Demonstration Projects

The Office for Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction Unit at JICA has found there is a gap between understanding the importance of financial inclusion in principle and knowing how to integrate it in one’s sector. To solve this, they are embedding financial inclusion within the agency through hybrid demonstration projects.

Engaging with Country Offices to Embed Digital Finance

USAID’s digital financial services (DFS) practice provides support to its country offices to integrate DFS into their program portfolios and strategies. How can this small technical team at headquarters influence a large, decentralized organization to prioritize DFS?

The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice

There’s a better way to deliver government-to-person (G2P) payments. Modernizing the delivery architecture can increase value for customers, lower government costs and create competition among financial service providers.

Beyond KYC Utilities: Collaborative Customer Due Diligence

CGAP has developed a typology to help policy makers and financial service providers evaluate the financial inclusion potential of a new range of collaborative approaches to customer due diligence to combat money laundering and terror financing.

How Open APIs Fueled the Growth of Eko in India

In this 8-minute video, Eko co-founder Abhinav Sinha describes the role that APIs have played in his money transfer company’s rapid growth and profitability.