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Testing the Waters: Digital Payments for Water and Sanitation

A growing number of water providers are experimenting with digital payments to reduce operational expenses and streamline service delivery. This paper extracts lessons learned from 25 water providers across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Reading Deck

Digital Finance for the Real Economy: Introduction

This slide deck describes how digital financial services can contribute to international development across several sectors like energy, water, education and health.

Infographic: High-Saving Youth in Smallholder Households

High-saving youth in smallholder households tend to have strong savings habits and own mobile phones, and should be an important target group for financial services providers with digitally-enabled solutions.

International Funding for Financial Inclusion in 2017: Global Data

The data snapshots generated here come from the 2017 CGAP Funder Survey. Data snapshots are available at the global and regional levels. The 2017 CGAP Funder Survey reports funding commitments from 54 international funders, both public and private, as of the end of 2017.

2017 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

One of the key takeaways from the latest CGAP Funder Survey is that international funders committed US$42 billion to financial inclusion in 2017—a double-digit percentage increase from the prior year. For the first time in five years, public funding has grown faster than private funding.

Safeguarding Rules for Customer Funds Held by EMIs

This Technical Note looks in detail at safeguards such as maintaining customer funds in bank accounts and diversifying funds across several banks to reduce the concentration risk. It also discusses the option – offered in some countries – of placing funds in other safe, liquid assets.

A Guide to Supervising E-Money Issuers

This paper provides general guidance to supervisors in emerging markets and developing economies who are designing proportional approaches to EMI supervision, and serves as a reference for drafting or improving EMI supervision manuals in a few specific areas.

I-SIP Toolkit: Policy Making for an Inclusive Financial System

A how-to guide for financial sector policy makers on successfully managing the interplay among four core objectives – financial inclusion, stability, integrity and consumer protection.

High-Saving Youth in Smallholder Households: An Untapped Market

Financial service providers can leverage the strong savings habits of youth in smallholder families and their access to mobile phones to develop digital products that better meet their needs and aspirations.

Taming the Strange Beasts: Servicing and the Future of PAYGo

Despite its tremendous promise, the PAYGo industry is still young and challenging. Entrepreneurs and investors should expect and prepare for some failures. To plan for the future and prepare for unpleasant contingencies, there needs to be more focus on loan servicing in the PAYGo sector.