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All Publications


Regulatory Sandboxes and Financial Inclusion

Regulatory sandboxes may enable financial innovations that benefit excluded and underserved customers. In most cases, a regulatory sandbox is a framework set up by a financial sector regulator to allow small-scale, live testing of innovations by private firms in a controlled environment under the regulator’s supervision.
Reading Deck

Digitizing Retail Payments: Building a Successful Loyalty Model

Loyalty programs across the world can provide important lessons for incentivizing usage of merchant payment platforms. This slidedeck covers the global loyalty program, success/failture of loyalty, global trends in loyalty, and ends with the case for a mobile merchant payment loyalty program.
Reading Deck

Merchant Payments: Loyalty Playbook

CGAP worked closely with Dalberg to understand the ecosystem of and around merchants in Tanzania and the challenges they were facing on a day-to-day basis.

Banking in the M-PESA Age

This Working Paper explores three approaches banks in Kenya have used to respond to mobile money. While nonbank mobile financial services can fundamentally reshape the financial sector in a developing market, as they have clearly done in Kenya, mobile services need not represent an existential threat to the traditional banking industry.

Drowning in Data, Searching for Information: The Role of Funders

Funders have an important role to play in exploring how data-enabled financial services can benefit poor people and in helping governments to balance the new risks that are emerging with the opportunities provided by a digital world.
Reading Deck

Merchant Payments: VAS Playbook

This playbook discusses the various potential Value Added Services that could increase uptake of mobile retail payments in Tanzania and similar emerging markets.
Reading Deck

Digitizing Merchant Payments: What Will It Take?

Digital Financial Services providers increasingly sense a key opportunity in digital retail transactions, or merchant payments. This deck gives a high-level view of what CGAP sees as some of the key challenges in merchant payments and outlines idea to overcome them.

Consumer Protection in Digital Credit

CGAP’s experiments with a diverse range of financial service providers have found that innovative approaches to digital credit can improve the products and improve consumer protection, which often is a wise business decision.

Paving the Way for Digital Financial Services in Jordan

As more customers turn to formal financial services, remittances will have an even stronger developmental impact, especially in countries with large numbers of people displaced by humanitarian crises. This report examines the financial ecosystem and regulations in Jordan for international remittances, domestic payments and mobile money.