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Early Insights from Financial Diaries of Smallholder Households

This Focus Note shares early insights from CGAP's ongoing Smallholder Diaries, providing a first look at the financial lives of smallholder households not only as agricultural producers, but also as consumers, laborers, and off-farm entrepreneurs.

How M-Shwari Works: The Story So Far

Offered as a collaboration between the Commercial Bank of Africa and mobile network operator Safaricom through its mobile money service M-PESA, M-Shwari has piqued the interest of mobile money watchers looking for the next innovation to drive financial inclusion globally.

Spotlight on International Funders' Commitments to Financial Inclusion in 2013

This Brief analyzes trends in the international funding landscape based on CGAP research. In 2013, international funders committed at least $31 billion to support financial inclusion—an estimated increase of 7 percent on average per year between 2011 and 2013.

Digital Financial Inclusion

This Brief aims to provide national and global policy makers with a clear picture of the rapid development of digital financial services for the poor and the need for their attention and informed understanding.

Views on Customer Empowerment: Findings from India

As part of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor’s (CGAP’s) work on customer empowerment, a series of consultations with financial services customers is being undertaken to try to understand the customer perspective on “customer empowerment.

Field Guide to Obtaining Customers' Views on Empowerment

This document provides guidance for discussion with customers of Financial Service Providers (FSPs) about their understanding of “customer empowerment.

Tanzania's Mobile Money Revolution

Kenya is often lauded as a global pioneer when it comes to mobile money, but Tanzania is also making its mark. With growing competition and mobile money providers starting to make their systems interoperable, Tanzania is setting an example for others.

International Funding for Financial Inclusion: 2014

Conducted annually since 2008, the CGAP Funders Survey, conducted in partnership with MIX, is the most comprehensive source of analysis on primary sources of international funding for microfinance and financial inclusion. In 2014, CGAP and MIX analyzed data from 56 international funders, which represent 76 percent of the global estimate. The global estimate is calculated on data from this sample as well as publicly available information from Symbiotics Surveys.


International Financial Inclusion Funding: 2013 Visual

Conducted in partnership with MIX, this is the seventh iteration of the annual survey, which analyzes funding data of financial inclusion projects from both public funders (development finance institutions, multilateral, and bilateral funders) as well as private funders (foundations, institutional and individual investors, other donors).