Displaying 351 - 360 of 706

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Customer-Centricity for Financial Inclusion

Financial service providers who are serving or who want to serve this important customer segment need to invest in understanding these customers’ needs and develop products that meet those needs.

Serving Smallholder Farmers: Recent Developments in Digital Finance

This Focus Note introduces some recent developments in digital financial services for smallholder farmers. The case studies identify traditional pain points in serving this segment, discuss how DFS are being used, and highlight some initial obstacles and successes.

Observations and Lessons for the I‐SIP Methodology from Pakistan

Pakistan is the second country selected for an I-SIP rapid research exercise. The main objectives of the research were to develop and refine the I-SIP Methodology, raise awareness of I-SIP linkages, and help Pakistani policy makers adopt the I-SIP Methodology.

Mystery Shopping in Mexico

In Mexico, a mystery shopping exercise completed by The World Bank, CGAP, and CONDUSEF highlighted significant gaps between what is required by law and what is happening on the ground.

Embedding Social Performance Management in Financial Service Delivery

This Brief highlights the case for social performance management and illustrates how financial services providers can embed responsible finance practices into service delivery and contribute to healthy market development.

Mobile Payments Infrastructure Access and Its Regulation

This research shows USSD access is an important competition issue in many countries since there are no effective substitutes that have been proven at scale.

Electronic G2P Payments: Evidence from Four Lower-Income Countries

This Focus Note presents the evidence gained from a comprehensive study of the experiences in developing and implementing e-payment schemes linked to financial inclusion in Haiti, Kenya, the Philippines, and Uganda.

Financial Inclusion and Development: Recent Impact Evidence

This paper proposes that the accumulating body of evidence supports policy makers’ assessments that developing inclusive financial systems is an important component for economic and social progress on the development agenda.

The Art of the Responsible Exit in Microfinance Equity Sales

This paper seeks to explore the concept of a responsible exit along four strategic decisions: the timing of the equity sale, buyer selection, the governance and use of shareholder agreements to achieve social objectives, and how social and financial returns are balanced when selecting among bids.