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Are Microcredit Interest Rates Excessive?

Over the past two decades, institutions that make microloans to low-income borrowers in developing and transition economies have focused increasingly on making their operations financially sustainable by charging interest rates that are high enough to cover all their costs.

The Global Financial Crisis and Its Impact on Microfinance

So far, policy makers have mostly focused on macro-level measures. And in some regions like Latin America, they are taking a cautious wait-and-see attitude for the first semester of 2009, with more clarity on their steps to be expected later this year.

The New Moneylenders: Are Microcredit Interest Rates Too High?

The problem is that administrative costs are inevitably higher for tiny microlending than for normal bank lending.

CGAP Consumer Protection Policy Diagnostic Report: Cambodia

CGAP conducted a pilot policy diagnostic mission in Phnom Penh in February 2009 to assess the Cambodian consumer protection policy environment for low-income and/or inexperienced customers.This report is based on the findings of interviews conducted during the mission as well as desk research.

Realizing the Potential of Branchless Banking: Challenges Ahead

Being able to make payments conveniently and securely is an essential ingredient in modern life and commerce.

Variations in Microcredit Interest Rates

This Brief provides examples that show that the reasons for differences in interest rates can be manifold and often tend to be highly country specific.

Transforming NGO MFIs: Critical Ownership Issues to Consider

This publication provides insights and guidance for nonprofit microfinance institutions that plan to transform into a for-profit company. Thus the paper’s discussion of issues is likely more detailed and technical than most general readers will care to wade through. At the same time, this is not a “how to” manual nor does it identify right and wrong answers.

Being Able to Make (Small) Deposits and Payments, Anywhere

In this paper we put forth a vision in which people are able to make small deposits into their bank account through a variety of cash handling outlets right in their neighborhood.

The Early Experience with Branchless Banking

Branchless banking has great potential to extend the distribution of financial services to poor people who are not reached by traditional bank branch networks; it lowers the cost of delivery, including costs both to banks of building and maintaining a delivery channel and to customers of accessing services (e.g., travel or queuing times).

Microfinance Banana Skins 2008

According to this new survey of the risks facing microfinance, completed at a time when the sector is undergoing profound changes, the greatest threats to the business lie in poor management and inadequate corporate governance.